Get in touch

Christian von Aster

-A fantastic reading of swashbuckling stories-

For this one

Demon casting

and the midnight bouncy castle

This all happened on September 16th, 2023

Castle bakery in Satzvey

At the castle 3

53894Mechernich -Satzvey


who studied art and German and works, among other things, as a director of films and radio plays as well as an illustrator of comics.
"He describes himself as a literary hedonist, otherwise also as a genre saboteur,

literary candy uncle or satirical work of art."

Christian von Aster

In the course of his career he has written more than two dozen books and short stories or ballads,

contributed to numerous anthologies, produced audio books, wrote screenplays and made films

and several hundred readings in front of an audience, for example on his own reading stage

Amazement & horror [65]


Its genre lies somewhere between horror, satire, fairy tales and grotesque...

On 09/16/23

he delighted us once again on the reading stage

Castle bakery in Satzvey

with a small excerpt from his many wondrous stories:

Among other things, he speaks vehemently and expressively about

Luke the moody love letter pigeon,

who is once again looking for a job and complains loudly about it,

if we wrote more love letters, he would have more to do and wouldn't be so fat.

He fell off the branch three times while filming a commercial and got the one underneath it

House of cards destroyed.

Conclusion once again:


-Or from that

extreme pest controller,

a gray-haired giant with a peg leg, an eye patch and a

Pick up with troll catch box....

-Or the Midnight bouncy castle which opens its doors at night on the outskirts of the big city

and where incredible stories happen.

But as the saying goes:

"What happens in the midnight bouncy castle stays in the midnight bouncy castle!!!"

-Or from Pope Damasus I . who lived around 305 and the activities of his screwdrivers and wipers.

-Or the touching story of him

little girl, his sick hamster

and the battle with death.

All stories to make you smile, laugh out loud or even make you think,

which the great master of neologisms recites to the great pleasure of those present.

He still has it in his luggage

a small booklet with you

"Fourteen half-beautiful quotes about love"


-Luke the moody love carrier pigeon-


down-to-earth, banal train ride bingo

and various Postcards.

But that wasn't everything:

What was up with this one?

"Demon Casting"

on yourself:

I think it would be in 2021 on the occasion of a very fun breakfast together

(after a reading by Christian von Aster)

when the story of the 800 year old bread is told,

which Bine and Teddy dug up during renovation work.😊

Now the story of the demonic bread is brought to unholy life

and captured on video.

Photo evidence below.

Now the video project should

"Demon Bread"

but will be tackled in 2024 and a preliminary one should be made today

Demon casting

take place.

Here are some pictures too.

...and before the evening begins, the...

Midnight bouncy castle


With a lot of grandeur, laughter and enthusiastic screams it gets loud and happy again.

But not everything is shown:

"What happens in the midnight bouncy castle stays in the midnight bouncy castle"


Thank you for allowing me to use the pictures with your permission (Christian, Teddy, Ralf, Jasmin, Tamara, Tessa, Melanie, Cordula and others)

and thanks to them too Midnight bouncy castle


It was a thoroughly successful afternoon/evening with lots of conversations,

There was laughter and of course a few cold drinks. was far from over.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the next reading in 2024


Christian von Aster

in the

Castle bakery in Satzvey

finally the mystery of this

"Demon Bread"

finds its resolution in a video.


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